

You will find on this page International Fitness Alliance's polices.


This policy is aimed at our customers, including students, who are enrolled on or have taken an International Fitness Alliance approved certificate or qualification. It sets out the process you should follow when submitting appeals to us and the process we will follow when responding to enquiries and appeals. It is also for use by our staff to ensure they deal with all appeals in a consistent manner.

Our Responsibility

Our staff is involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of our qualifications and that the learners are aware of the contents of the policy. In addition, we have internal appeal arrangements, which learners can access if they wish to appeal against a decision taken by IFA. If an individual wishes to appeal against a decision taken by us it must first of all go through the appeals process.

Areas Covered by the Policy

This policy covers: · Appeals from students and/or any concerned individual in relation to an assessment decision on the basis that we did not apply procedures consistently or those procedures were not followed properly and fairly. · Appeals from students and/or any individual concerning the contents of IFA’s monitoring report. · Appeals from students and/or any concerned individual relating to IFA’s decision to decline a request to make reasonable adjustments or give special considerations · Appeals from students in relation to the application by IFA of a sanction/ action on a Center resulting from a verification visit or an investigation into malpractice or maladministration or a decision to amend a student/set of student results following a malpractice or malpractice investigation · Appeals from any individual relating to a decision made by IFA following an investigation into a complaint. · Appeals if you believe we have not applied our procedures consistently or those procedures were not followed properly, consistently and fairly.

Process for Raising an Appeal

We will have 20 working days from the date we noticed you of the decision you are appealing against in which to lodge an appeal against our decision - this includes assessment results; hence we advise you to retain the course evidence until we receive the result. If you appeal on behalf of another student you must ensure that you have obtained the written permission of the student(s) concerned as results can go down as well as up as a result of an investigation. Students should complete the Appeals form in order to submit an Appeal on behalf of a student and in doing so supply relevant supporting information such as the following where relevant: · Student’s name, · Title or subject of the complaint affected or nature of service affected (if appropriate), · Full nature of the appeal, · Contents and outcome of any investigation carried out by you relating to the issue.

Please click here if you wish to file for an appeal

Contact Us!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have, we would love to get to know you and help you choose a course that is right for you.
© International fitness Alliance